For the first time in the history of Georgian film, the portal of Georgian film criticism.

The project is funded by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth of Georgia.

Overview of Georgian Film

The platform Georgian Film Review is dedicated to an overview of modern Georgian film, its features, trends, major aspects, and new movies; however, the reader will also find some materials from the history of Georgian film and also the best reviews developed in the early years by the film critics of the older generation. 
Professional and student film critics are involved in the working process of the website, whose analytical articles regarding Georgian professional and student feature, documentary, and animated films will greatly contribute to the refinement and development of our film criticism as well as the popularization of the Georgian national film. 
The website is bilingual, in Georgian and English, in order to provide desirable and proper information for both local and international movie fans. 


მივიწყებული პროფესია

რა არის პროფესია? ბავშვობის ოცნების ასრულება თუ ზრდასრულ ასაკში რაციონალური არჩევანის გაკეთება? ყველაზე ხშირად დასმული კითხვა ბაღის ან სკოლის ასაკის მოზარდისთვის ეხება სწორედ პროფესიას. მცირეწლოვანები ხშირად ოცნებობენ ექიმობაზე, მსახიობობაზე, კოსმონავტობაზე, მფრინავობაზეც კი, თუმცა არსებობს ისეთი პროფესიებიც, რომლებიც არა მარტო ბავშვების, არამედ უფროსების ინტერესის მიღმა რჩება. ასეთი პროფესიები არანაკლებ მნიშვნელოვანია. მათ...


ადამიანი, რომელიც მარტოობისა და შინაგანი სიცარიელის მსხვერპლია, ხშირად ხდება საკუთარი თავის ტყვე, ირგვლივ აღიმართავს ხელოვნურ ბარიერებს და გააზრებულად თუ გაუაზრებლად განიზიდავს ყველას და ყველაფერს, რათა ქვეცნობიერმა დაიცვას პოტენციური საფრთხისაგან. მიუხედავად ამისა, მსგავსი ინდივიდები ყველანაირად საჭიროებენ თვითგანკურნებას და ხშირად დახმარებას ღებულობენ იქიდან, საიდანაც არც კი ელიან. ეგზისტენციალიზმის ეს პრობლემა მრავალი საუკუნეა...


The name – Tato Kotetishvili – first was heard loudly in Georgian cinema in 1987, when then a young director made his first full-length feature film, “Anemia.” And the second time, it also happened loudly quite recently, in 2024, also in connection with the young director’s first full-length film, “Holy Electricity.” The second is the nephew of the first one, who made the film world, both in Georgia and around it (like his uncle in his time), talk about the new Georgian cinema and Georgia once again. “Holy Electricity” is a co-production of Georgia and the ...


There comes a moment in every person’s life when they lose the ability to face great hopelessness, disappointment, and setbacks. At such times, we make decisions that we are not proud of. Often we justify this by saying that we are in trouble, “that’s what life brings,” and so on. At some point, such a gap appears among people that it is difficult to recognize who is right. Is everything in the world divided into good and bad? Gvantsa Sutidze’s student film, “The Murder” (2007), deals with the aforementioned human moment, which we will all encounter at least once in our ...


The quest for comfort and an aspiration for something better is fitted tightly in human nature. Usually, when an individual in a dead end cannot break through the walls, he frantically fumbles for openings instead of giving in to complete despair - he might notice the empty spaces that life has failed to fill, and he finds himself on the other side of the wall by stepping on them and clinging to the last dream that has been woven into a thread. America is not called the “Land of Dreams” for ...


There is no doubt that acting and role-playing are thought of by humans but who fits whose role and which one they prefer is already dictated by their conscience. Most people might suddenly enter a role according to the situation, while some have only one mask adjusted and have it so tightly and firmly attached that it takes quite a long time to tear off this worn-out mask and face reality. Mikheil Kvirikadze’s feature film “Jesus Bird” (“Baptism in the Jordan”, 2021) tells us about this role-playing, ...


Street vendors are those people whose work is as much invisible as it is visible. It is visible since they seem to be an integral detail of the exterior of streets and cities. Invisibility also stems precisely from the faded images of this daily encounter and the possibility of seeing, to which the eye is somewhat accustomed, the physical body will pass by or purchase the daily necessary products, just as it will continue its path, leaving behind the fact of the unchanging and solid existence of the embodied economic problem. Such a synthesis of the visible and invisible, which any believer or credible one would envy, has nothing to do ...


Decades ago, paintings were found on the walls of a cave on the island of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Using the latest technologies, it was revealed that the paintings were created 51,200 years ago and are the oldest works of narrative art ever discovered. According to researchers, such paintings had great importance for early Homo sapiens. The walls depict a scene of a boar hunt – so was declared in one of the world's articles on ancient ...


A documentary film allows the viewer to immerse themselves in real stories, learn something new and interesting. It can promote and influence society. John Grierson, who was one of the people who had a great influence on the fate of documentary cinema, considered that rather than showing the distant exotic world of the Earth, it is better for the viewer to see what is happening right under their noses, everyday life, the working process of a man, accompanied by poetic texts. Magda Gvelesiani's film, "No Body and the Blue Sky" (2021), can be considered his follower. The film tells about a poetic journey ...


The war took everything from people – freedom, a feeling of peace, a sense of security, relationships. No one had any hope of continuing their lives. There was no goal in sight. Everyone was wandering aimlessly, trying to find a way to survive somewhere. Tomorrow would either come or not. The history of Georgia was divided into two parts. Life before and after the August 2008 war. People learned how to live ...
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth of Georgia
National Archives Of Georgia
Georgian Film