For the first time in the history of Georgian film, the portal of Georgian film criticism.

The project is funded by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth of Georgia.

Overview of Georgian Film

The platform Georgian Film Review is dedicated to an overview of modern Georgian film, its features, trends, major aspects, and new movies; however, the reader will also find some materials from the history of Georgian film and also the best reviews developed in the early years by the film critics of the older generation. 
Professional and student film critics are involved in the working process of the website, whose analytical articles regarding Georgian professional and student feature, documentary, and animated films will greatly contribute to the refinement and development of our film criticism as well as the popularization of the Georgian national film. 
The website is bilingual, in Georgian and English, in order to provide desirable and proper information for both local and international movie fans. 



ბოლო წლების ქართულ მხატვრულ და დოკუმენტურ კინოში, არა ერთ სხვა თემასთან ერთად, წარმმართველია ცხოვრებისეული სინამდვილის, პოლიტიკური გარემოებების, სოციალური რეალობის სხვადასხვა ფორმითა და რაკურსში ჩვენება, მათ შორის, იგავის ფარგლებში მოქცევითა და ახალი გამომსახველი საშუალებების ძიებით. თანამედროვე კინოიგავში დარღვეულია ტრადიციული სქემები და კანონები, უარყოფილია სტერეოტიპები; იქმნება განზოგადებული გარემო, სამყაროს რეალურ საზღვრებსა და...


If we apperceive the main idea of the literary work “The World as Will and Representation” by the 19th century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, we will understand that these two concepts are the basis of the essence of the human race, its insatiable desire and natural aspiration for life. Therefore, any obstacle that an individual faces can be overcome if there is a motive and desire, of course. Otherwise, it sinks into absurdity and complete meaninglessness arises. Often, a person needs a boost to be more productive, to change the environment around him and become more important than he used to be. It is necessary for a person to notice and not to accept the injustice ...


  Human isolation has its own language – a form of dialogue between the mind and the outside world, both silent and destructively noisy, suffocating for human identity. Salome Vepkhvadze’s student film, “Me, They and Daddy” (2014), skillfully addresses this language and draws the viewer into the main characters', a 12-year-old girl and her mentally ill father. The film won the main award for best foreign language feature film at the International Student Film Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria. One of the main roles in the film is played by the director’s father, Vladimir Vepkhvadze, while ...


  One of the outstanding representatives of the 20th century creative field, David Bowie, often connected his work with spirituality and the concept of the existence of God. He even mentioned in a 1997 interview that the search for God is one of the main components for making life a living. It is with this genius musician’s famous song, “Space Oddity,” that Giorgi Psitidze’s student film, “A4 God is at Work” (2022) begins. We hear the first strum of the guitar and simultaneously see views of Tbilisi. With faded colors and the non-static nature of the camera, we get into the car with the character and the journey begins. The main character, David Maisuradze ...


  Each person has different dreams, desires and goals. Regrettable is the life of a person who has none of them and strives only for satisfying natural needs. Such people, in fact, do not even think about the comfort and rights of others and sometimes violate them indirectly or explicitly. Anyone can become their victim today, tomorrow or even at the end of the week. Archil Sichinava's student film, "Sunday" (2016), tells the story of just such people. It describes events in four people’s lives, which unfold on one day, judging by the title, Sunday. You will not find any kind of dialogue in the film but only music which, no matter how ...


  ჭეშმარიტ ხელოვნებას მხოლოდ ესთეტიკური სიამოვნება არ მოაქვს. მას ხანდახან ადამიანის სიცოცხლის გადარჩენა შეუძლია და ადამიანთა ურთიერთკავშირის განმტკიცებისძალა აქვს. ადამიანები ხშირად კარგავენ გადარჩენის რწმენასა და იმედს, სწორედ ამ დროს ჩნდება მათ ცხოვრებაში ის ადამიანი, რომელიც სიცოცხლის მხსნელად მოევლინება ხოლმე, მაგრამ ხშირად სწორედ, რომ მხსნელი მსხვერპლად ეწირება სხვის გადარჩენას, თითქოს ეს...


What is a profession? Fulfilling a childhood dream or making a rational choice in adulthood? The most frequently asked question for a kindergarten child or school-age teenager concerns a profession. Young people often dream of becoming a doctor, an actor, an astronaut, even a pilot, although there are professions that remain beyond the interest of not only children, but also adults. Such professions are no less important. Without them, our everyday...


ადამიანი, რომელიც მარტოობისა და შინაგანი სიცარიელის მსხვერპლია, ხშირად ხდება საკუთარი თავის ტყვე, ირგვლივ აღიმართავს ხელოვნურ ბარიერებს და გააზრებულად თუ გაუაზრებლად განიზიდავს ყველას და ყველაფერს, რათა ქვეცნობიერმა დაიცვას პოტენციური საფრთხისაგან. მიუხედავად ამისა, მსგავსი ინდივიდები ყველანაირად საჭიროებენ თვითგანკურნებას და ხშირად დახმარებას ღებულობენ იქიდან, საიდანაც არც კი ელიან. ეგზისტენციალიზმის ეს პრობლემა მრავალი საუკუნეა...


The name – Tato Kotetishvili – first was heard loudly in Georgian cinema in 1987, when then a young director made his first full-length feature film, “Anemia.” And the second time, it also happened loudly quite recently, in 2024, also in connection with the young director’s first full-length film, “Holy Electricity.” The second is the nephew of the first one, who made the film world, both in Georgia and around it (like his uncle in his time), talk about the new Georgian cinema and Georgia once again. “Holy Electricity” is a co-production of Georgia and the ...


There comes a moment in every person’s life when they lose the ability to face great hopelessness, disappointment, and setbacks. At such times, we make decisions that we are not proud of. Often we justify this by saying that we are in trouble, “that’s what life brings,” and so on. At some point, such a gap appears among people that it is difficult to recognize who is right. Is everything in the world divided into good and bad? Gvantsa Sutidze’s student film, “The Murder” (2007), deals with the aforementioned human moment, which we will all encounter at least once in our ...
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth of Georgia
National Archives Of Georgia
Georgian Film